#16 Jordan Crawford: Founder @ Blueprint

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Marketers need sales. 
We also need to listen to them. While I would say Jordan has a high marketing acumen, his day job is cold email (outbound).

And it’s so much more than simply cold email. It’s a different way to approach it.

“Outbound B2B systems that target by PAIN, not persona.” I love his intense focus on customer pain.

This is a direct and contrarian conversation you don’t want to miss.

Jordan explores:
– Marketing to the pain and not the persona
– The importance of saying no to the wrong markets
– Why you need ANTI personas

Who's this episode for?
(1) B2B marketers and founders
(2) Marketers who want to understand how to speak to pain



// Disclaimer // 
Opinions shared in this podcast are individual views of hosts and guests, not representing their employers or associated organizations. This content is intended for informational purposes and should not be considered professional marketing guidance. Listeners act on the information provided at their own risk.
#16 Jordan Crawford: Founder @ Blueprint
Broadcast by