#20 Brooklin Nash: Co-Founder @ Beam Content

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We're in a collective content overload. (I'm partly the reason)

And with that much content, getting and holding attention is hard.

That's why using data, expert voices, and personality are wonderful ways to stand out with content. Because if you don't, your content is (kind of) useless.

I was excited to speak to Brooklin, an expert in helping (b2b) companies "create content that isn't boring AF."

In our conversation, Brooklin covers:
- The importance of leveraging data and expert voices in content
– Transitioning from freelance to an agency model
- The importance of research and testing

This episode is for any marketer who wants to:
(1) Create more engaging, data-driven content that resonates with their target market.
(2) Generate more demand for their products or services and support the entire customer journey.
(3) Optimize SEO strategies to improve their website's visibility on search engines, aiming to drive more organic traffic.



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Opinions shared in this podcast are individual views of hosts and guests, not representing their employers or associated organizations. This content is intended for informational purposes and should not be considered professional marketing guidance. Listeners act on the information provided at their own risk.
#20 Brooklin Nash: Co-Founder @ Beam Content
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