#23 Sam Kuehnle: VP of Marketing @ Loxo

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What does it look like to go from lead to demand generation?

Sam Kuehnle shares that it's a short- to long-term shift (in mindset and action).

That means focusing less on collecting emails and "leads" and instead building a long-term relationship. All the while helping them make progress on what matters.

This requires patience and a different perspective. If you want to gain that, listen to Sam. He knows what he's talking about.

In our conversation, Sam covers:
– The ins and outs of demand generation
– The importance of understanding customer needs
– Why you need to read books outside marketing to get better

This episode is for anyone who wants to:
(1) Align their marketing strategies with the modern buyer's journey.
(2) Broaden their marketing strategies beyond just lead generation.
(3) Leverage data in their marketing strategy and decision-making.



// Disclaimer // 
Opinions shared in this podcast are individual views of hosts and guests, not representing their employers or associated organizations. This content is intended for informational purposes and should not be considered professional marketing guidance. Listeners act on the information provided at their own risk.
#23 Sam Kuehnle: VP of Marketing @ Loxo
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